Six Days Later

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I really miss Josh. I would have done whatever it took to have one more week with him, no matter what it took. But, it was his choice on when to go, and I know that he was in a lot of pain. The last two years have always been about what he needed.


  1. I’m so deeply sorry for your family’s loss, Jon. You showered Josh with love and kept things positive during his darkest hours. I pray for your peace and comfort always.

  2. Jon,
    I can only imagine your pain. You, and your family were all about Josh. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks ahead. God bless you always!

    Kathy Murphy

  3. I can’t begin to imagine the loss your family must feel. You have my utmost respect for letting Josh take control of his decisions… I’m not sure I could relinquish that. I will always remember Josh as a 7th grader with a love of reading books of his own choosing, for hanging with his group, and for having that smile, regardless of what was going on. I hope your many wonderful memories will comfort you during the dark times. Cancer stinks …

  4. Jon – you are such a wonderful dad and I can’t imagine the loss you feel. Sending you prayers and wishes for peace and comfort – please take care!

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