Hello everyone! Just wanted to put out a quick update with some good news for a change! As you are aware, Josh had an MRI in early June that confirmed that the two new lesions in his brain were indeed tumors and that they had grown since they were discovered in early May. Since then he has undergone stereotatic radiation therapy and has had 4 infusions of Avastin. Yesterday, we headed back to Grand Rapids for new baseline MRI’s of the brain and spine to see if the therapies have had an effect on the lesions and if there has been any change in the spine. We received the results today and are very happy to share that the MRI of the brain shows a “near resolution” of both the lesion in the original tumor bed and the one in the cerebellum and the spinal MRI shows that it remains clear of any abnormalities. This indicates that both tumors are responding positively to the treatment plan! His doctor is working on getting two new chemo medications processed and they are hopeful that with some luck we may be able to progress to that point when we see his Oncologist in mid August. Fingers crossed for that but so far so good!
Also of note, Josh went to an appointment with his Ophthalmologist last Friday and we were relieved to hear that his central vision remains unchanged. They will do another peripheral vision check in January, which she feels will still show the deficits he has had since surgery, but she wants to give it time to heal from his recent radiation treatments before testing him again.
Therapy continues to go well and he had the opportunity to show of his right-handed pretzel eating skills to his OT therapist during his session this week. We are happy that he is finally getting back to a normal schedule with his therapies. These appointments were definitely missed during the spring and early summer.
Finally, we had the opportunity to celebrate two 2020 graduates last weekend, Josh’s cousin Mea and our family friend Athena. It was so great to get out and spend time with our family and friends, something we haven’t been able to do much of as of late.
Thank you all so much for your continued positive thoughts and prayers and please keep them coming!
Oh, so thankful for good news.
Continue praying for Josh and family.
You are so great to keep us informed, your great.
God continue to bless you.