There was a time when Wednesday was “hump day,” and I would look forward to the weekend. Friday was celebrated by saying, “TGIF.” Lately, I’ve felt thankful for each new day of small achievements and signs of Josh’s improvement.
On Tuesday, Josh was appraised for his ability to get dressed on his own, and impressed his Occupational therapist when she saw how much he could do with minimal help. He also impressed his doctor with how much he was doing and how clear his voice is now.
We have gotten pretty good with the trips to Spectrum Health where he gets his radiation treatments. I have a handicap parking placard now, so it is easier to park closer to the door–when I can find a space. I have been opting out of valet parking at the Lemmon-Holton Cancer Pavilion because it is just a lot easier to park my own car and then find it when we’re done. Today, while I was reassembling Josh’s wheelchair an older gentleman chuckled as he walked by us and remarked that I had it “down to a science.” I’m not sure if I am quite that good yet, but have managed so far.
The plan at Mary Free Bed is to keep Josh in rehabilitation until his current round of radiation treatments are completed, on June 28. This means that the end of each day brings us closer to the moment when he will be able to come back home.
Tonight, Josh was visited by three cosplayers dressed as Thor, Green Arrow, and Supergirl. The last time they visited, he had just arrived at Mary Free Bed. He wasn’t able to speak, and had limited movement of his right arm and leg. Tonight, he was able to answer their questions, and when I took a group photo he was able to stand up with just a little bit of support. I’m amazed to see how far he has come.
So glad to see Josh smiling and enjoying himself! And glad to hear his hard work in therapy is paying off!