Sorry for the lack of updates, but the good news is since Josh’s seizure episode last month things have been thankfully routine and he came through Cycle #3 of chemo last month with little to no nausea — a miracle! He has also added in a seizure med 2x per day, and we have thankfully not had any issues with that. They will be doing a repeat EEG in a couple of weeks to see how things have been going in that department.
He had a clinic visit last week and his levels are still looking good. So good in fact he got to have his flu shot at the appt. Also so good that they are raising the dose of chemo for Cycle #4 from 330 mg for 5 days to 420 mg. It’s alot more meds but it’s actually less pills to take at one time so there’s a positive. He just took his first dose at the higher level tonight, so pray his body handles it well and we can all sleep.
He is continuing with his therapy usually twice per week and one of the teachers from the high school is stopping in at home to work with him as well. The plan is to start with school at home for now and make changes as he is ready for them. He has a full neuropsych evaluation at MFB next week and that will go a long way toward filling in the pieces we need to make sure all of us are on the same page academically.
This past week marked Month 7 since the discovery of his brain cancer. In some ways it seems like such a long time and others it seems like it’s gone by in the blink of an eye. We still have a long road ahead with 3 more cycles of chemo and MRI scans of the brain and spine again in January. Hopefully after the holidays are through we’ll be getting the best present!